
04 marzo 2010

You're a what?

I saw a movie yesterday and its characters had this funny conversation about vegetarians to which I felt very related to!  Alex, an Ukranian English-speaking guide, is hired, together with his grandfather, by Jonathan, a north-american jew, to find this hidden village and his past.  The movie displays a lot of  interesting dialogues allusive to cultural differences between US and Ukrania, which could be applied to being a panamanian and having uncommon or "not-panamanian" habits.  I can even see myself having this conversation with some family members (and I've had)!  Funny stuff...

I like meeting new people, and maybe facing similiar experience; it gives you a wider scope on life, on people's habits and their culture, which I qualify as "different", rather than "good" or "bad".   At then end, I think we should stick to those who take out the best of us and share similar beliefs and ideas, without forgeting to love and respect others.  It's like a William Shakespeare saying: "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none".

Anyways, here's the movie's dialogue which inspired all this:

Jonathan: I'm a vegetarian.
Alex: You're a what?
Jonathan: I don't eat meat.
Alex: How can you not eat meat?
Jonathan: I just don't.
Alex: [
to Grandfather, in Russian] He says he does not eat meat.
Grandfather: [
to Alex, in Russian] What?
Alex: No meat?
Jonathan: No meat.
Alex: Steak?
Jonathan: No...
Alex: Chickens!
Jonathan: No...
Alex: And what about the sausage?
Jonathan: No, no sausage, no meat!
Alex: [
to Grandfather, in Russian] He says he does not eat any meat.
Grandfather: [
to Alex, in Russian] Not even sausage?
Alex: [
to Grandfather, in Russian] I know!
Grandfather: [
to Alex, in Russian] What is wrong with him?
Alex: What is wrong with you?
Jonathan: Nothing, I just don't eat meat! 

Posted from my blog: http://leilanigonzalez.blogspot.com.

1 comentario:

  1. Hahaha... eso fue tan gracioso. Yo tambien vi la pelicula, en espa;ol es "Una vida iluminada" y el tema central tiene relacion con el holocausto.

    Se que mas de uno tendra una anecdota como esta para contar = )

    Gracias por tus aportes al grupo!


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- Leilani