
04 abril 2010

A love feeling

A couple of days of natural coexistence have triggered thoughts about love (greater love).  I just decided to randomly (nothing's random, really) play Björk while doing some computer work and, suddenly, paid more attention to this particular song ("All is full of love", which I've heard before, but I think messages arrive when we're ready to receive them).  I've being getting this "love-comes-back-from-anywhere" message everywhere, lately; songs, books, people... it's amazing.  

When you let love lead your life and actions, it's amazing how things begin to fall into place and your wishes become true... We just need to have patience and trust destiny a little bit.  If we're following our hearts, things will arrive, like the song says, maybe not from the place (person, source) we expect it, but they will certainly come back at you...  Gracias Dios.
You'll be given love
You'll be taken care of
You'll be given love
You have to trust it

Maybe not from the sources
You have poured yours
Maybe not from the directions
You are staring at

Twist your head around
It's all around you
All is full of love
All around you

All is full of love
You just ain't receiving
All is full of love
Your phone is off the hook
All is full of love
Your doors are all shut
All is full of love!

All is full of love
Published from "Momentos" blog www.leilanigonzalez.com.

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- Leilani